We’ve Moved!

It took almost four days, but I’ve finally set up my computer workspace and I’m back online. My “corner office” in the TV/family room won’t be making any “best of” posts on ApartmentTherapy.com, but it’ll do for now.

I can’t even really say the move is over. We still have a storage unit we want to empty. Both our cars still have several boxes and knick-knacks I can’t bring myself to carry up the stairs yet. And I see one too many plastic bins serving as flattened box props in the dining nook. It will get done, just not this second.

For those of you who don’t know about the move, Agnes got attacked by a new neighbor’s dog at our former residence. It was a horrific experience I chose not to discuss here. The 20-second version is a male, pitbull-weimarener from across our driveway had Agnes’ throat in its jaws for about two minutes. Someone turned on the hose, which broke it up, and an ambulance/animal control/vet/ER visit later (MainMan got bit badly trying to detach this dog from Agnes’ face), all was resolved. Or so we thought. Until we left the following days on walks and said dog would bark ferociously at us every time we stepped foot out the door. We were over it, Agnes especially, so we decided to look for a new place to live. The dog attack was really the icing on the cake. I’d been unhappy in our neighborhood for some time and once this happened, I couldn’t handle it anymore.

Luckily a client of mine, upon hearing what happened and what sort of community I was looking for, recommended El Segundo. So here we are.

El Segundo Map

It’s only about six miles, roughly 15-20 minutes south of our old place, but it feels like a whole new world down here. Disregard the A above, that’s not our home, but within the dotted lines is our new town. And note just above (the darkened grey area) is the airport. So if you’re thinking about visiting, really, we couldn’t be closer to the airport unless we hopped the fence.

I will upload photos once furniture and wall art have been squared away so you’ll have a better idea of what our new apartment looks like.

There are 6 comments

    1. Monica

      yes… thanks for asking mo! billy’s hand looks like it will permanently have two scars and agnes’ wounds have closed up finally, but whew it was terrifying mo! the new hood is off to a great start 🙂


    1. Monica

      aw, thanks danica!! we did too 😉 we have a month to month lease because we are still hoping to relocate out of los angeles. we’re ready to be home owners and we can’t afford one here!


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